
Building Healthy and Strong Bones

Building Healthy and Strong Bones

Help children build healthy and strong bones! Building healthy and strong bones is important for our children. Due to the current pandemic, children have been staying at home to keep safe from COVID-19 infection. However, that would also mean that they are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency from the lack of sunlight exposure. That

Nutritionist.  Healthy food information for kids.

Nutritionist. Healthy food information for kids.

Who is a nutritionist? Every child is born uniquely. Therefore, some of them need special care for nutrition management. Nutritionists could help you plan your children’s daily meal plan according to their appetite for food. Picky eaters are common among children. For many parents, it is easy to imagine a toddler dropping a piece of

Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrum in Toddler

Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrum in Toddler

Has your child ever had a temper tantrum? Here is the ways to prevent temper tantrum in toddler, especially when they are at public places or even in private places. Sometimes it makes the parents panic and tried to stop the kids to stop screaming and crying. Most of the parents don’t know the ways

Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Has your child ever experienced a urinary tract infection? Urinary tract infections in children are common, more so in girls rather than boys. Sometimes urinary tract infection in children have the symptoms of can be so subtle that it goes unnoticed by the child and parents. Normal urine is free of germs (bacteria). However, bacteria

Well Child Visits – Caring for your kids

Well Child Visits – Caring for your kids

Well Child Visit – Why are they so important? On most occasions, children are brought to see the doctor when they are sick. Your child is well, but you are wondering if they are growing according to the normal growth chart. Have you ever wondered why well child visits are also important? Suggestion of Well

How Much Water do Children Need?- per day

How Much Water do Children Need?- per day

How much water do children need? Drinking a lot of water is important for our health, not only for the adults but children also need water. People may survive six weeks without any food, but they couldn’t live more than a week or so without water.    As adults, we are often asked to drink

Prepare Your Child for Their Vaccination

Prepare Your Child for Their Vaccination

How do you prepare your kids  for their vaccination? Vaccination can be a scary experience for most children. But the good news is, you can make the process as ‘painless’ and ‘stress-free’ as possible. So here’s how do you prepare your child for their vaccination. 1. 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 π›πžπŸπ¨π«πž 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐒𝐨𝐧 Before the vaccination time, you have