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Mindfulness Magic: Calming Techniques

Mindfulness Magic: Calming Techniques

Calming Techniques for Kids

Mindfulness: maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of human thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment through a gentle and nurturing lens.

Mindfulness involves embracing acceptance, meaning we observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment—without assuming there’s a “correct” or “incorrect” way to think or feel at any moment. By practicing mindfulness, we direct our attention to the present, focusing on what we’re sensing now, rather than revisiting the past or anticipating the future.

Why does mindfulness matter?

  1. It may help manage stress, and people will cope better with serious illnesses and reduce anxiety and depression.
  2. Help children become more aware of their emotions and guide them toward neutral thoughts, such as focusing on the sensation of their breath as they breathe in and out. By being mindful, kids can better regulate their emotions and face challenges with greater ease.
  3. Improve sleep quality, calm and clear mind help children unwind and clear their minds of worry.

Mindfulness Techniques

  • ‘Teddy bear’ breathing – Teach them belly breathing or teddy bear breathing. Tell them to hold a stuffed animal or put their hand on their belly while taking a deep breath. Focus on the movement when they are breathing.
  • Count the breaths together – Sit together with your child in a quiet place and count your breaths to help both of you become more centered and calm.

  • Play sensory awareness games – Play games that trigger their sensory awareness such as listening to a bell or noticing different sights during a nature walk.
  • Relax one body part at a time – Focusing on relaxing each body part one at a time to promote awareness and relaxation.
  • Rainbow visualization/meditation –  Guide your child to close their eyes and focus on each color of the rainbow and how they feel.
  • Mindful eating – encourage kids to practice mindfulness while eating by paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of the food.
Mindfulness Magic

Mindfulness Magic

5 Mindful Parenting Tips

Mindful parenting is all about staying present and attentive in your daily interactions with your child. Here are five simple tips to help you practice mindfulness as a parent:

1. Be Present

  • Focus on being fully with your child during everyday moments, whether you’re playing, talking, or eating together. This helps your child feel valued and connected.

2. Listen Actively

  • Pay close attention when your child speaks. Show that you understand by acknowledging their feelings and letting them express themselves without interruptions.

3. Pause Before Reacting

  • When challenges arise, take a moment to breathe before responding. This helps you stay calm and deal with situations thoughtfully, teaching your child how to handle emotions.

4. Encourage Emotions

  • Let your child express their feelings openly. Help them name their emotions, so they can better understand and manage what they’re feeling.

5. Take Care of Yourself

  • Being a mindful parent starts with taking care of your own well-being. Make sure you find time to rest and recharge, so you can be fully present with your child.


End Notes

Incorporating mindfulness into your child’s daily routine doesn’t just calm the chaos—it builds a foundation for emotional well-being, resilience, and focus. By teaching your child these calming techniques, you equip them with lifelong tools to manage stress and navigate challenges with confidence. As a parent, leading by example and practicing mindfulness yourself enhances the impact, creating a peaceful, supportive environment where both you and your child can thrive.

Remember, mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. The magic lies in the small, consistent moments of presence and calm you share.



Kabat-Zinn, J. (2019). Mindfulness Definition. Greater Good.

Sonam Tobgay. (2024, July 12). What is Rainbow Meditation? How to Practice it? Healthy Lifestyle.‌

Kelly, K. (n.d.). The Importance of Mindfulness for Kids.

Willard, C. (2020, June 11). Mindfulness for Kids. Mindful.