Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrum in Toddler
Has your child ever had a temper tantrum?
Here is the ways to prevent temper tantrum in toddler, especially when they are at public places or even in private places. Sometimes it makes the parents panic and tried to stop the kids to stop screaming and crying. Most of the parents don’t know the ways to prevent temper tantrum in toddler, it something important to us getting know about it because young children who throw tantrums are not bad or doing it on purpose.

Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrum in Toddler
Parents don’t have to worried because it has the ways to prevent temper tantrum in toddler is very easy to understand. Temper tantrums are commonly seen in children aged 1 to 3 years. Their social and emotional skills are just starting to develop at this age, hence they are still not equipped to deal with many BIG emotions.
Once they are too overwhelmed, they “lose it” by crying, screaming, falling, running away, or getting aggressive to let out their bottled emotions.
Here are some ways to help keep temper tantrums at bay :
Reduce stress
Tired, hungry, and overstimulated children are more likely to experience temper tantrums. So, if you are planning a trip, do ensure that your child has a good rest and full tummy before heading out. Because if the kids feel happy with the full tummy of course they will stay calm and fresh.
Tune in to their feelings
After a while, you can probably sense when your child is going to throw a tantrum. Try exploring what it is that is bothering them. At times, providing a distraction or removing them from the situation may be helpful. We have to find what are they want and why they feel uncomfortable.
Identify the tantrum triggers
Tantrum triggers are different for every child. For example, if your child often insists or begs for a toy whenever passing a toy shop, avoid that temptation altogether.
Talk about emotions
Of course, this will not work when the child is having a full-blown temper tantrum. After cooling down, encourage them to identify their feelings and the cause of it. For example, “Did you throw your food away just now because you don’t like to eat the veggies on the plate?” The next step is to teach children of other ways to express themselves.
These are not foolproof ways to prevent temper tantrums. But the good news is that when your child’s self-control improves, temper tantrums will start to grow lesser. 

Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrum in Toddler
If you need any consultation, you can also visit us at our clinic at Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur. Our team consists of qualified and experienced child specialist, nurses and clinic assistants.
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